County Shoreline Master Program Update

Our County has been in the process of updating the Wahkiakum Shoreline Master Program, and we encourage agricultural, fishing and tourist industry folks to stay involved, provide input and guidance,  and find out how this law may affect your community.

Follow this link to the County documents

Wahkiakum Shoreline Master Program

From the Final Draft SMP:

“Public  participation  is  important  because it ensures  that  local  knowledge  and  values  form  a basis  for  SMP  policies  and  regulations.  The  Shoreline  Master  Program  public  participation process is ongoing.  A public participation plan completed in the early stages of the SMP update process guides public participation opportunities during the SMP update.”

“Public hearings for formal consideration by Town and County Planning Commissions and adoption by legislative bodies are anticipated in spring 2016.

Wahkiakum County’s and Town of Cathlamet’s home internet pages provide links to SMP planning documents, to notices of public meetings and meeting materials. Public meetings are also advertised in the Wahkiakum County Eagle.”

The Shoreline Advisory  Committee,  comprised  of  citizen  and  technical  stakeholders, informed the Inventory and Characterization Report, and will continue to inform the remainder of the SMP update  process,  providing  feedback  on  the  process  itself,  and  on  the  draft  SMP  policies  and regulations.
Three  visioning  workshops  were  hosted  in  February  and  March  2015,  where  community members  provided  guidance  to  the  planning  team.    A  summary  of  the  Visioning  Workshops  is
provided  in  the  Visioning  Workshop  Summary –March  2015.
These  workshops,  along  with guidance received from several public SAC meetings and at two additional public open houses in July and August 2015 informed preliminary Drafts of the Shoreline Master Program (Drafts 1, 2  and  3).    The  Draft  3  SMP  was  circulated  to  the  public  in  late  September  and  early October
2015.  Thereafter, from October 2015 through February 2016, the Town Planning Commission and County Planning Commission held several public meetings to guide SMP revisions included in  the  Final  Draft  SMP  issued  in  late  March  2016.


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