FREE Awareness Training for Disaster Preparedness

Sponsored by The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergency Management


TIME: 9:00am to 4:00pm

 LOCATION: The Wahkiakum County Courthouse (64 Main Street, Cathlamet)

 Program Itinerary Topics

 ·         How to create a Family Disaster Plan

·         What to include in a Family Disaster Kit

·         Developing a Community Resource Data Base

·         Crisis Response

·         Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, & Explosive information

·         Terrorism Awareness

·         A Desktop Exercise specific to Wahkiakum County

This will be a one day seminar on citizen preparedness and response should a major incident ever occur in Wahkiakum County.

The class will be from 9AM to 4PM on Saturday, March 29, 2014.  There is no cost for attendance. The doors will be open at 8:30 am for check-in.

To attend this seminar, you must register by contacting:

 Beau Renfro at: 795-3242, 465-2202, or register online at:

Two new publications from WSU Extension

Growing Day-Neutral Strawberries in Western Washington
By Wendy Hoashi-Erhardt and Thomas Walters

Day-neutral strawberries with repeat flowering have long production seasons highly suitable to fresh market sales, allowing harvest of high-quality berries over a period spanning four to five months. These strawberries are often grown as an annual, and can be a profitable crop for specialty crop producers who are seeking to diversify further, as well as for dedicated strawberry growers. The value of fresh-market strawberries in Washington and Oregon increased 144% between 2000 and 2012, and producers and commodity groups are preparing for further growth, which is favored by strong consumer interest in local foods and health benefits of berry fruits. This publication introduces day-neutral strawberry production to commercial growers who are interested in exploiting the long season and fresh market capability of day-neutral strawberries.

You can download a full copy for free here.

Beneficial Insects, Spiders, and Other Mini-Creatures in Your Garden
Who They Are and How to Get Them to Stay
By David James

An ecologically-healthy garden or landscape has a diverse fauna of insects, spiders, mites, centipedes, and harvestmen—each with a unique, and usually beneficial, role in keeping your backyard habitat healthy and function­ing efficiently.  This colorful publication provides photographs and describes the life-cycle and beneficial activities of the  “good guys” and “natural enemies” that inhabit garden landscapes in the PNW.

You can download a full copy for free here.