Category Archives: Community

Next Grange Meeting, Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30 PM

Well hello there, dear reader! 

I want to chat with you about something very near and dear to our hearts: the fascinating history of the Washington State Grange!

You see, the Grange was founded way back in 1867 as a way for farmers to come together and support each other. They knew that they were stronger together than they ever could be alone, and they worked tirelessly to improve the lives of farmers across the country.

But it wasn’t just about farming. The Grange was a place where people could come together, share their struggles and their successes, and feel truly seen and heard. It was a place of vulnerability and connection, long before I ever put pen to paper and started talking about shame resilience.

And let’s not forget about the Grange’s commitment to community service! From helping to build schools and hospitals to fighting for better rural healthcare and environmental protection, the Grange has always been at the forefront of making the world a better place.

The  Washington State Grange organization is a shining example of what true vulnerability and connection can achieve. The Grange has been around for over 150 years, and it’s still going strong, still bringing people together, still fighting for what’s right.

And in a world that often feels so disconnected and isolating, that is truly something special. So here’s to you, Washington State Grange! Thank you for all the work you’ve done and continue to do, and for reminding us all that vulnerability, connection, and community service are truly the keys to a life well-lived.

Won’t you join us at the next Grange meeting? We’d love to see you there!

P.S. Did you know that you can donate to the Grays River Grange anytime from the comfort of your home or wherever you are using PayPal. Simply click the Donate button above. It’s that easy, it really makes a difference and helps us continue to do the good work for the community that we have done and will always continue to do. From managing and caring for Meserve Park, Ahlberg Park, The Grays River Grange Cemetery, and the Grange building itself. We’re putting particular care and TLC into the Grays River Grange Cemetery as we lead up to Memorial Day, and we’ll be having our community Farmers Market starting up again soon. Thank you for your support, we are very grateful.

Donations Welcome

Dear Friends,

We Grangers are pledged to be quiet and peaceful folks going about our community service. We are 100 percent volunteer and our expenses go towards our commitments. Please consider making a financial contribution to our efforts.

If you are a member, thank you so much for your support and active membership. Your participation keeps our Grange viable and helps us continue serving our community. If you have not been to a meeting for a while, or are someone interested in the Grange, please visit us.

Our meetings are a great place for fellowship and staying connected with our community and what’s going on in our part of the world. The Grange is a non-partisan group and we welcome people from all walks of life.

Grange Meeting, Tuesday April 11th at 6:30 PM, Potluck at 5:30 PM

Everyone is welcome at the upcoming Grange meeting on Tuesday, April 11th.

What can you expect at the Grange meeting? 

Well, first of all, it’s going to be a lot of fun! 

The Grange is known for its friendly, welcoming atmosphere, and we’re always happy to see new faces. 

We’ll start with a brief introduction to the Grange and what we’re all about, and then we’ll move on to the 1st degree ceremony.

Now, if you’re not familiar with the 1st degree, don’t worry! It’s simply a way for new members to be welcomed into the Grange and to learn more about our values and traditions. 

We’ll walk you through the ceremony step by step, and we promise it will be a memorable experience.

After the ceremony, we’ll have some time for socializing and getting to know each other. 

We’ll also have delicious food at our potluck, so you won’t go hungry. 

And if you have any questions about the Grange, community, or agriculture in general, our members are always happy to chat and share their knowledge.

So, if you’re looking for a fun and meaningful way to get involved in the community, we hope you’ll join us at the upcoming Grange meeting. 

It’s a great way to meet new people, learn more about our amazing part of the world, and make a positive impact in your local area. 

We can’t wait to see you there!

By J. Hale Powers 1873 – Grange poster, Public Domain,

P.S. Did you know that you can donate to the Grays River Grange anytime from the comfort of your home or wherever you are using PayPal. Simply click the Donate button above. It’s that easy, it really makes a difference and helps us continue to do the good work for the community that we have done and will always continue to do. From managing and caring for Meserve Park, Ahlberg Park, The Grays River Grange Cemetery, and the Grange building itself. We’re putting particular care and TLC into the Grays River Grange Cemetery as we lead up to Memorial Day, and we’ll be having our community Farmers Market starting up again soon. Thank you for your support, we are very grateful.

Grange Meeting Tuesday, March 14th, 6:30 PM

We’re all aware of the fact that these days, it’s more important than ever for us to prioritize gathering in community. After all that time of social distancing, remote work, and virtual gatherings, the need for human connection and support is more apparent than ever. In 2023, it feels great to make a conscious effort to come together and build a sense of community, and one way to do that is by joining us at a Grays River Grange meeting.

All are welcome, and because we know that community is essential for human survival and well-being, we can feel that being together with others is very good for us on so many levels. We are social creatures, and our mental, emotional, and physical health is heavily influenced by the connections we make.

Being part of a community provides us with a sense of belonging, purpose, and support that is difficult to find elsewhere. In fact, studies have shown that individuals who are part of a community experience lower rates of depression, anxiety, and stress, and report higher levels of life satisfaction.

We’d love to see you at the Grange, so feel free to stop by and say hi.

Grange Meeting Tuesday February 28th. Potluck at 6:00, Meeting at 6:30 PM

The Grays River Grange is pleased to announce our upcoming meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, February 28th at 6:30 PM at the Grays River Grange Hall. All are welcome to attend, and we encourage anyone with an interest in our community to join us. Feel free to bring a potluck dish and join us starting at 6:00.

At this meeting, we will discuss a variety of topics related to our community, including upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and ways to support local organizations. We will enjoy presentations about the natural world we live and enjoy. and we engage in open discussion about issues that matter to us.

The Grays River Grange is a community organization dedicated to promoting the social, economic, and cultural wellbeing of our area. We believe that by working together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant community that benefits everyone who calls Grays River, Wahkiakum and Pacific Counties, and the lower Columbia region home.

Whether you are a long-time resident, a newcomer, or simply interested in learning more about our community, we invite you to join us at our upcoming meeting. Come meet your neighbors, share your ideas, and help shape our future.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Hello All, we have a Grays River Grange meeting coming up on Tuesday, January 24th at 6:30 PM, and all are welcome to join us as we gather and share in camaraderie and fellowship.

Visitors are always welcome, and we’d love to hear about what’s happening in your garden, community, on your farm, in your neighborhood, and anything else you would like to share.

You are always welcome to just listen and observe as well. There’s never any pressure and the Grange is an all-volunteer organization.

As Grangers, we are dedicated to the well-being of our community, and we are always open to hearing suggestions and ways we can better achieve this goal.

Grange Meeting Tuesday January 10th. Potluck at 6:00 PM (Salmon Tacos and all the fixings), meeting starts at 6:30 PM. All are welcome.

Happy New Year from the Grays River Grange to you and yours.

We’re having our first meeting of the year, and our installation of officers, and we want you to know that you are welcome to stop by, say hello and share in the festivities of a Grange meeting. There’s food, laughter and camaraderie. Poetry, story, and song. It’s a great place to be.

The song says, “It’s a good thing to be a Granger”, and it is indeed, welcome 2023!

Grays River Grange #124 Christmas Party, Tuesday December 13th at 6:30 PM at Grays River Grange Hall

Grays River Grange #124, is extending an invitation to you and your family to attend the Grays River Grange Traditional Christmas Party 

On the agenda for the evening:

Potluck dinner, caroling, and more.

Recognition of Years of Grange membership.

And of course, a visit from Santa.

If you have a child attending, please bring a gift with your child’s name on it for Santa to deliver. 

Questions? Call Grays River Grange at 465-2268 and we will get back to you or email us at:

Join us for an evening of good old fashioned family fun.   

You do not have to be a Grange member to attend.

Please bring non-perishable food items for local food banks.